Program Overview
1000 Books Before Kindergarten is a self-paced early literacy program that encourages parents to read one thousand books with their child before they enter school. Reading to children builds vocabulary and language skills and helps prepare them to enter kindergarten. This program also helps to introduce children to a wide range of stories. This fun and free program has no end date except your child’s going to school, so don’t feel rushed, just enjoy the experience! Spend time reading every day! If you read just 1 book a night, you will have read 365 books in a year. That will grow to 730 books in 2 years, and 1,095 books in 3 years. How to Participate It is easy to participate! You can sign up in-person or by completing the online form found on our website. Let’s start reading! You can print the Reading Logs, found below or you can stop by Ms. Michelle’s desk to pick up a copy. No need to write down titles or authors, all you need to do is color in one star on your log for every book read. If your child wants to read the same book over and over, that is okay! Repetition may be tiresome to you, but it is very helpful for building your child as a reader. Every time you read that book go ahead and count it again! Come back to the Library every time you have completed 200 books to receive a gift book to keep for your own personal library! After finishing 1000 books, the participating child will receive a certificate of completion, and his/her name inscribed on a book plate in a selected picture book from the collection! Do I need a library card to participate? No. We love it if you did have a card or to get a library card if you don’t have one! If you wish to checkout books from the Library, you would need a library card, but you are more than welcome to come to the library, read together, and count those stories. |