Story Slam: Hindsight
Hindsight is 20/20 and for many of us 2020 has been one hell of a year. Some of us have been lucky enough to have dodged bullets and gotten away unscathed, some of us have the battle wounds to prove it even if the wounds are invisible to the naked eye. For some of us the 2020 resolution went right out the window, and for others it slowed us down and made us focus more on what we wanted and where we wanted to be.
So this got us thinking what are some of your hindsight experiences? Did you miss a job opportunity that looking back was a blessing in disguise? Do you want to share one of your woulda, coulda, shoulda experiences? Maybe life took a Uturn? Maybe that blind date ended up just perfect, or maybe you look back and see just where it went wrong. We want to know what is your hindsight story, and we hope you will join us to hear ours!
Please join us by zoom: We ask if you want to share a story that it be no more then 6 minutes, it must be a true story that happened to you!