In tribute to Peter Fonda (1940-2019) and in honor of its 50th anniversary, our feature film for September is the landmark counterculture film EASY RIDER.

Join us on Friday, September 27 at 6 pm for the American road drama about two bikers traveling from L.A to New Orleans starring Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, Jack Nicholson, and Antonio Mendoza

1969 – Rated R – 1 hour and 35 minutes

With a soundtrack featuring music from The Band, The Byrds, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Steppenwolf, and more!

Enjoy TFL’s Free Movie Night on the fourth Friday of each month. Admission is free and popcorn is provided!



Pine Tree Hospice’s Caregiving and Bereavement Book Club  will meet 3:30-5 pm Thursday, Sept. 19 at the Thompson Free Library. The group will read “The Notebook” by Nicholas Sparks.

This poignant and compelling love story is about loss and discovery, grief and caring. It tells the story of a man who lives for his wife and journeys with her as she loses herself to Alzheimer’s Disease. “The Notebook” is set in the post-war rural south, a spectacular location where this wonderful story unfolds and takes you into a beautiful life.

The reading materials will be available to borrow at the Thompson Free Library. Anyone is welcome to join; we are looking forward to an interesting group with plenty to think, say and talk about – and you don’t need to attend each meeting to be part of this club.  The next meetings will be Oct. 17 and Nov. 19.  Please call Pine Tree Hospice at 207-564-4346 for more information and to sign up or stop at the Thompson Free Library to check out your book and sign up.

For a different take on TFL’s 101 series join our guide, poet and library guy Tom Lyford on a unique magical mystery tour of surprising songs and lyrics he’s mined like rare minerals over the decades. An original presentation, the emphasis this month is on pure listening entertainment, ranging from audio “fireworks” (with printed lyrics) that will touch your heart to those that will tickle your funny bone. Be prepared to groove on unexpected gems from the likes of Peter Sellers, Johnny Cash, and more!

Thursday, September 12 at 1:30 pm!

Join us on Thursday, September 5 at 5:30 pm to meet Maine mystery writers Maureen Milliken and Sandra Neily!

Sandra Neily has been a registered Maine guide and whitewater river outfitter. Maureen Milliken spent more than 30 years a journalist for northern New England newspapers, including in Maine. Both are mystery writers whose books focus on the Maine outdoors. They both have strong-willed female protagonists and, in each of their most recent books, horrible things happen to people in the woods. But there is where the similarities end. Find out how Maine and its northern outdoors informs the work of two mystery writers and how they came to their unique approach to mysteries in Maine’s outdoors.

About the Authors

SANDRA NEILY is a Maine native whose varied career has included working as a registered Maine guide as well as a whitewater river outfitter. An avid outdoorswoman who loves woods, waters, and wildlife, Sandra has paddled, fished, hiked, and skied all over the beautiful state of Maine, and enjoys transporting readers into the places she knows so well. Sandra is the winner of the Mystery Writers of America Helen McCloy National award, as well as a finalist for the Women’s Fiction Writers Association’s Rising Star Contest, and a finalist in the Maine Writers and Publishers’ 2018 Maine Literary Awards competition. Sandy lives in the Moosehead Lake region.

Sandra’s upcoming book, “Deadly Turn,” is due out this fall after being delayed by cancer and cancer treatment, and in a way informed it, Sandra says. As her most recent book, “Deadly Trespass,” opens, Cassandra Patton Conover is about to become an outlaw. Searching for her wayward dog in Maine’s dense woods, she finds her best friend Shannon crushed under a tree. Then she finds tracks larger than any animal she knows and a mystery only wild animals can help her solve .

MAUREEN MILLIKEN is a long-time journalist both in Maine and northern New England, and returned to Maine, where she grew up, in 2011 because she didn’t want to live anywhere else. Her three-book Bernie O’Dea mystery series, which is set in Franklin County, Maine, is based both on her love of journalism and her love of Maine.  Maureen lives in central Maine and the book she’s working on now is a stand-alone based in Piscataquis County.

In Maureen’s latest book, “Bad News Travels Fast,” Appalachian Trail thru-hiker Lydia Manzo becomes lost in the woods then is found dead, setting off a chain of events that upsets the fragile peace of Redimere, Maine. While state investigators are sure Lydia killed herself, some in Redimere are sure someone killed her. As newspaper editor Bernadette “Bernie” O’Dea tries to sort out the truth, Police Chief Pete Novotny disappears, too.

The Maine Bird Atlas is a statewide citizen science project that everyone can help with! To contribute, you don’t need birding experience; all you need is a desire to get outside and make some observations.

Join project coordinator Glen Mittelhause, director of the Maine Natural History Observatory, at the Thompson Free Library on Thursday, August 22 at 5:30 pm to learn about how you can get started contributing bird observations to the Maine Bird Atlas!

To learn more about this important conservation project, visit: