Next Philosophy Circle – April 5

TFL’s Philosophy Circle meets the first Friday of every month at 3:30 pm. Our next meeting is Friday, April 5. Curious? Read this newsletter article by Tom Lyford:

I Think, Therefore I Am:

Socrates, one of our wisest philosophers, left the world to chew on this observation: “The unexamined life is one not worth living.” On a Friday afternoon in January, TFL’s Philosophy Circle (19 down-to-earth, would-be “philosophers”) began by examining that statement. Some assured us and Socrates that hey, they never examine their lives and yet their existence feels “quite worth living, thank you very much.” On the other hand, others admitted that they do examine and search for meaning in their lives to varying extents. But long-story-short the high schooler, the septuagenarian, the clergyman, the atheist, the engineer, the homemaker, the counselor, and the physician who showed up enjoyed a lively, engaging discussion. And it was fascinating, what was offered up.

When it was over, virtually everyone agreed it had turned out to be both an eye-opening and fun experience (no punches thrown!) and all looked forward to the next one. Now, after four monthly meetings, attendance has averaged a satisfying seventeen. So if you were imagining a sophisticated, high-brow affair, one set among marble statues of Zeus and Aphrodite, one that would never apply to you, you can forget it. This is not a Philosophy 101 class where you have to take boring notes and pop quizzes to prove that you learned something. No pie-in-the-sky discussions here. The focus is on my life and yours, right here and now in 2019 Central Maine. We tackle topics like How Can You Know What’s True in a World of Photoshopping and Lying Politicians? or Human Beings: Inherently Benevolent, Malevolent, or What?

In facilitated discussions, we share some of the reasons and personal experiences that have shaped our individual outlooks. Originally the brainchild of patron Diane Boretos, the group models itself after The Socrates Café movement, a philosophy discussion template gaining popularity throughout America and around the globe. The Socratic Method of asking, answering, and discussing simple questions guides our discussions. The Philosophy Circle meets on the first Friday of each month from 3:30 to 5:00. Please join us. Come and dive right in, or simply watch and listen for a while. All are welcome.