The newest issue of our quarterly newsletter is out! April’s edition details what we’ve been up to during the winter and early spring. Featured are: the seed library, two author talks, a nature program featuring owls, STEAM programs and kits, a Story Slam, increased hours, and an improvement to the website! Click here or on the picture to the right to read the latest issue
For anyone who missed the programs detailed in the newsletter, please check out our Youtube channel: We have recorded videos of the author talks with Greg Brown and Claire Ackroyd/Laurie Chandler, the first 101 Series with Alicia Millette, and the January Story Slam. We also have event recordings from earlier in the year. I intend to post recordings of Zoom events there as well going forward, so subscribe if you want to know when we post new ones. Thank you all for your continued support of the library. We hope to see you again soon!